A journey is best experienced together! Get to know me and my research better by informing yourself about my past conference presentations. In addition, you will also find information about upcoming conferences and meetings in 2024 that I will be attending.
Meetings and conferences in 2024
XI. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie
("XI. Conference for Practical Philosophy")
Titel of the presentation: Praktische Philosophie ohne Pädagogik (um)denkbar?
Where: University of Passau
When: 19. & 20. September 2024
Organisation: Karoline Reinhardt (Passau) in cooperation with Birgit Beck (TU Berlin) as well as Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg) and Michael Zichy (Bonn/Salzburg)
10th UNESCO-APEID Meeting on Entrepreneurship Education
Where: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
When: 10. & 11. October 2024
Organisation: Berdiyor Safakhonov (Head of International Relations Department, Alfraganus University), Benjamin Vergel de Dios (Programme Specialist, UNESCO Bangkok), Ying Liu (International Consultant, UNESCO Bangkok)
Past conference and meeting contributions 2023
"The Symbiosis of Education. Ethics and Politics According to Catharine Macaulay"
Presentation at the conference "Early Modern Women on Politics and Ethics”.
Gothenburg, Sweden - 5-7. Oktober 2023.
Click here to get further information about the conference.
"Unsichtbare(s) sichtbar machen. Die epistemologische Bedeutung von Frauen in der pädagogischen Theorienbildung"
Keynote at the general assembly of the "Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft".
Tübingen, Germany - 23. September 2023.
Click here to get further information about the assembly (German only).
"Das Recht des Kindes auf die Gegenwart Würde, Anerkennung und Achtung nach Janusz Korczak/ Children - a unifying force capable of bringing people to common ethical grounds. Rediscovering Janusz Korczak"
Presentation at the conference "A Child in Times of Need. Overcoming the Distress of War, Epidemics, and Social, Psychological and Physical Handicaps in Children and Youths”.
Prague, Czechia - 19-20. June 2023.
Click here to get further information about the conference.
Past conference and meeting contributions 2022
„Pedagogy without Women. Becoming visible in the canon of history ”
Presentation at the "48th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA)".
Chicago, Illinois, USA - 17-20. October 2022.
Click here to access the abstract of the conference paper.
"Female Ideals of Thougt and Education: A historically necessary review”
Online presentation at the "International Conference on Systems Thinking for Women’s Empowerment: Advancing Women’s Empowerment through Systems Model Expansion: AWESOME".
India - 03-05. March 2022.
Click here to watch the presentation on YouTube.
„Pädagogisierung, Fachmensch(en) ohne Geist? Ein notwendiger Dreiklang von Ethik, Politik und Ökonomie“
Joint presentation with Dr. Stepanka Kadera at the international conference "Pedagogization in Identity Formation and Professionalization: the Role of Science, Knowledge Transfer, Education and Youth Social Care".
Prague, Czechia - 23-24. June 2022.
Click here to get further information about the conference.
"Kinder haben Rechte - Die Geschichte der Kinderrechte"
An interview with Elsbeth Bräuer in "Radiowissen", a podcast series by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR).
Date of Publication: 10. February 2022.
Click here to acess the interview (German only).
Past conference and meeting contributions 2021
„Hannah Arendt and the most elementary and necessary activity of human beings - education“
Presentation at the "13th International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education".
Budapest, Hungary - 17-18 December 2021.
Click here to access the abstract of the conference paper (page 23).